Some recent interactions with companies I am a customer of have bugged me… especially as I know I can expect them to do better by using a CRM. Are you doing any of these “top 5 hates” to your customers?

  1. Not knowing anything about your customers

  •  Why it’s annoying: Customers expect you to know who they are, what they have bought before, and the previous questions they have asked. They hate repeating themselves. Not recalling their history makes them feel undervalued, especially when your competitors are offering hyper-personalised service!
  • How CRM can fix that: You CRM should store all past interactions, purchase history, and communication, so any team member can pick up where the last left off without needing customers to repeat themselves or even worse, tell you things that you should already know.
  1. Delayed, unclear communications

  •  Why it’s annoying: Building trust with your customers is essential for any business. Slow or nonexistent responses are annoying, but it becomes even worse when different team members give customers a different answer. People want their questions answered quickly and correctly, and they want consistency in communications.
  • How CRM can fix that: A CRM lets you log all communications and track issues until they’re resolved. CRM systems can also automate follow-ups and reminders, ensuring no customer inquiry falls through the cracks and that timely responses are sent.
  1. Sending irrelevant information and offers

  • Why it’s annoying: Customers constantly bombarded with promotions and information that doesn’t match their interests or buying history do not stay customers for long. The only time customers hate being offered a great deal… is on a product they have already bought.
  • How CRM can fix that: Use your CRM to segment customers based on their past behavior, preferences, and demographics, allowing you to send targeted, relevant offers that feel personalised.
  1. Ignoring (or Not Even Asking For) Customer Preferences

  • Why it’s annoying: Sending customers communications or using methods they dislike (e.g., too many emails or phone calls) can lead to frustration.
  • How CRM can fix that: CRMs store customer preferences—such as their preferred communication channels or the frequency of contact—so businesses can tailor interactions in a way that makes customers feel respected.
  1. Failing to Act on Customer Feedback

  • Why it’s annoying: Customers feel ignored when they give feedback or leave reviews, only to see no improvements or responses from the business.
  • How CRM can fix that: A CRM can track customer feedback and create action plans to address complaints or, even better, create exceptional service and points of difference. Customers see that their opinions are valued and acted upon.

Are you irritating your customers in any of these ways? If you are but you don’t know how to make it stop, please reach out and book a call. I can help!