

What is the Sales Back Office? And how do they deliver value to a Sales team?

I often refer to myself as working in the “sales back office”. Many people call it their sales operations team. The back office is often the missing piece for smaller teams, especially ones that aspire to big growth. Many large companies invest in teams for their sales back office, and for good reason. The contribution is growing revenue and significantly improving sales productivity. In the recent Miller Heiman CSO Insights study, they say [...]

How did our CRM implementation go so wrong? My top 6 reasons

My original title for this article was “Its not you, it’s me”. CRM implementations fail for many reasons. Sometimes it is the purchase of the wrong software, sometimes even really bad software.  Maybe a less than competent implementation partner. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say most problems come from our own organisations. In more cases than not, we must take accountability for the success or failure of the [...]

Help! No one is using our CRM

Sadly, this is a common refrain. And it really doesn’t need to be that way. Here are a few tips to help you get your team using your CRM so that you can start getting value out of it. Make sure it works Kind of obvious. So much so that I nearly didn’t include this. But in many cases, some simple hurdles are standing in the way of your CRM being used. [...]

How to choose a CRM

Do you or your team have days like this? Days where you remember at the end of the day that you wanted to contact that customer who hasn’t responded to your email proposal. And you also need to call and recover the relationship with another customer after the service delivery team didn’t quite understand what the customer’s arrangements and expectations were, making a tricky situation even worse. All the while you are wondering [...]

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