Stop Wasting Time: How to Get Rid of Manual Data Entry
Are you drowning in a sea of manual data entry, spending hours each week copying information from one system to another? You get an order online, and copy the details over to your shipping system? Or you get an email request from a customer and put it into your request tracker spreadsheet? I have worked with businesses where the staff are spending up to 25% of their time just moving information around, and it [...]
Who To Trust and Who To Avoid: Making Smart Business Software Choices
Who do you take advice from, particularly as a small business owner? I have a great network and often seek their input. But a wise mentor once reminded me to be careful about who I take advice from. The internet is a fabulous place to learn and seek information – but my friend who had “crowdsourced” a diagnosis of bowel cancer was terribly relieved when an expert confirmed he just had haemorrhoids. This stark [...]
A Guide to Succeeding with Service CRMs
It is time for another deep dive into different types of CRM. This time, we are looking at the specifics of Service CRMs. Most businesses have some service processes, but a Service CRM is meant for organisations with specific needs. Service CRMs are usually much more about supporting customers after they have bought from you. However, they can be used by organisations with many inbound sales enquiries as well. Whether you are trying to [...]
The mystical powers of the CRM guru
Recently it seems like the world is looking for a CRM guru. It’s all very well if you want to start a cult (I don’t) or want clients reliant on you forever (no way). But with CRM, as with most real investments, none of them work if you don’t do the work. In this case, I’m talking mostly to a small business owner, but the lessons apply in many other situations too. Surely I [...]
CRM Price Increase: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
I’ve been humming this song by The Clash for a couple of weeks now, thinking of so many clients and colleagues whose budgets have been shattered by their CRM vendor's repeated massive price increases. Can they do that? Sadly, yes. While the Software as a Service (SaaS) revolution, where you buy software that you access online, via a monthly or yearly subscription, has made great software accessible to so many people, the subscription model [...]
Unmasking Free CRMs: The True Price You Pay
There are a lot of small business owners that are careful with every cent, especially with subscription software like CRM. Rightfully so – a brand-new small business lives or dies on cash flow. But sometimes relying on “free stuff” is a false economy. Remember the saying, “If something seems too good to be true…”? Why are they even giving you a freebie? I am a massive fan of the free trial. Downloading some software [...]
CRM Data Mastery: Ensuring Your System Is Fueled with the Right Information
So, you have bought a CRM (or are thinking of buying one). What information do you need to make the most of it? It sounds so easy and obvious, but you need to use your CRM to get value. And while part of that use is habit that you need to build into your daily business activities, those habits and connections do not arrive magically with purchase. They must be built over time, prioritising [...]
A Guide to Succeeding with Sales CRMs
It is time for another deep dive into different types of CRM. This time, we go back to home base and discuss sales CRMs. This is where CRM technology started and is still an important starting point for organisations looking to use CRM. Remember that we will create and manage an ongoing record of who your customers are and their interactions with you. These interactions could be as simple as individual emails and meetings [...]
Debunking the myth of a one-size-fits-all CRM solution
I keep coming back to this topic because every day, in a group somewhere, someone asks, “What is the best CRM?” as if there is one answer to that question. The myth that there is one “best” product is more persistent than the weeds in my garden. There are a few reasons why this is just so wrong. The first is one of my favourite topics: Recognising that organisations manage relationships with their customers [...]
Beyond the Sales Pitch: The Challenge of Finding Independent CRM Software Information
Have you spent time recently trying to learn about CRM software online? Many clients have had frustrating, if not downright confusing, experiences trying to find the right CRM online. CRM is such a big and interesting world, but online information often annoys me. And that is because, generally, someone is trying to sell you something. At this point, you might be wondering if I am a bit naïve! I know that good content is [...]